Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Butterflies Are Back in Town!

I know we didn't get much rain, but the little bit of rain we got a couple of weeks ago seems to have helped increase the number of butterflies in my garden!

If you hadn't noticed Texas butterfly populations have really been suffering this year; mostly because of the drought. But after or recent couple of inches of rain I have been seeing a steady increase in winged traffic in my garden! In fact, I currently have more monarch and pipevine swallowtail caterpillars than I know what to do with. The caterpillars have effectively finished off my Asclepia and my Aristilochia, but luckily for the caterpillars I work at a butterfly center and have access to more food for them.

All I can say is that it has been a hot, dry, and lonely summer in my garden and it's good to have (welcome) visitors once again!

Happy Butterfly Gardening!

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